Please help us create a ‘Hear what teachers think’ page

We are looking to create a ‘Hear what teachers think’ page and would really value your support.

If you would like to help please fill in this 20 second google form.

Thank you SO much!

Downloadable Oodle Cloud added!

We hope you'll have fun with this one!  We've just added an Oodle Cloud.  Students on oodlü earn oodles by playing the oodlü games.  They get one oodle for every game they play.  This is not linked to attainment, but instead is designed to reward effort.  The more effort they put in, the more oodles they get.

To celebrate that effort, we have created Oodle Clouds.  These are word clouds of the student names that you can download and print out for your classroom.  The more oodles the student has, the more effort they have put in and the bigger their name on the Oodle Cloud.

Here is an example (using fake names):

And here is a video overview showing how it all works:

We hope you enjoy this new feature and look forward to hearing how you get on!

Bonus Round added to oodlü Quickfire!

As part of our ongoing upgrades to oodlü Quickfire we are pleased to add a "Bonus Round" feature today.

After a question has been delivered you now get the option to do a Bonus Round where students choose a colour and the wheel of luck is spun.  Students who selected the colour that the wheel lands on get the points available.

'Gaming' points added to oodlü Quickfire!

Today we are delighted to say that we have added the much requested feature to 'game' your points in oodlü Quickfire.

When used in conjunction with the slides feature of oodlü Quickfire, this makes a powerful teaching tool rather than simply being a whole-class game.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is essential to the brain’s reward system, and as such, is linked to learning. Higher activity in the midbrain dopamine reward system results in improved recall performance. Oodlü Quickfire is a game that can generate higher levels of dopamine production connected with uncertain rewards. Quickfire exploits the relationship between the brain’s reward response and learning.

Here is a quick overview of the basic functionality of the new 'gaming' points feature.

Minor feature release - ability to change points available in Quickfire

We had some feedback that it would be good to be able to change the number of points available in the QuickFire whole-class game, so we added that ability this morning :)

Just click the + or - to change the number of points the students will get when they correctly answer the question!

This is the first of a number of improvements to QuickFire that we will be implementing over the next few weeks, so watch this space!

New feature! Bulk create or import questions.

We are delighted to announce the release of a feature that we KNOW will be very helpful to you in creating your questions.  There is a LOT more to come in the area of question creation and this is just one step in the process.

Today we released the ability to create multiple questions in one interface and also to be able to import your questions from a csv file.

Creating questions in one interface:

Importing questions from a CSV file:

Here is a video overview showing how it works:

Support for Hebrew released!

Thanks to the very kind work of our wonderful translation volunteer Yaffa we are delighted to announce support for Hebrew on oodlü today!

If you would like to see oodlü in your language then please do get in touch and we can get you set up as a translator so that you can help us to help children around the world.